Wednesday, February 13, 2008

mensaje from Center for Mexican-American Studies, UT-Austin

[The following message was forwarded to me by UNT-Denton profesor Roberto Calderon, who maintains an active list-serv related to Chicano/Chicana history, lit, politics, and cultural production.]

Passing of our friend and colleague, raúl salinas

We are saddened by the passing of our friend and colleague, raúl salinas, premiere poet, community activist, and, as the poet Jose Montoya might say, "un bato de atolle." raúl and CMAS had a long history of collaboration in a variety of
significant activities including his participation in CMAS-sponsored writing workshops at Americo Paredes Middle School, and, most recently the publication of his last book, raúl salinas and the Jail Machine: Selected Writings of raúl salinas in our series, History, Culture and Society with the University of Texas Press (2006). More personally, I shall never forget his kindness to me and my late wife during her own illness. Pasó por aquí.

CMAS will be hosting an event in his memory in the next two weeks, details TBA.

José E. Limón
Mody C. Boatright Regents Professor of
American and English Literature
Director, Center for Mexican American Studies
Center for Mexican American Studies
The University of Texas at Austin
West Mall Building 5.102
1 University Station F9200
Austin, TX 78712

(512)471-9639 fax

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